Friday, February 26, 2010

Update 2/26/10

The last few days have continued to be very difficult for Pops. His breathing is inconsistent. He is no longer eating or drinking. He can no longer take his medication in pill form, so it is all in liquid form now. He is still unable to lay down so he continues to sit in the chair with his head drooped down. He has been sleeping much more and is not communicating much at all anymore. However, yesterday when Nano was out running a quick errand, he was able to communicate to my brother, Richard, that he wanted her to come home and be with him. She sits by his side and she holds him. Their love is so tangible and everlasting.

It was nice to have my Aunt Kathryn & Uncle Jerry come down and spend some time with Pops and Nano. Pops and Uncle Jerry grew up together as best friends and remain very close today as brothers, both married to the McCollor twins! Uncle Jerry's brother, Gene Stigman and his wife Maxine also came by the house for a special visit.

Nano and Richard continue to get very little sleep due to staying up all night with Pops in shifts since Pops still gets restless and sometimes pulls his oxygen off and needs medication for his pain. I am reminded of having a newborn and how most nights you get very little sleep... well, the bright side is that Nano will be prepared for her new grand daughter who is due to arrive in less than 2 months now. We continue to try and find the light and hope in this period of darkness for our family.

No one should have to suffer in pain and die like this. Pops is a strong, dignified man and he will always be remembered by those who love him that way.

Thank you for your prayers, comments and messages. It makes these long days much more tolerable knowing that Pops touched so many people's lives and that he will never be forgotten.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Honey, Hang in there.... I have been there as a son-n-law in a similar situation, and you friends, family and your faith will pull you through. I am with you through thought and prayer.
