Thursday, November 29, 2007


It is amazing how many people have visited Pop's Caring Bridge Site and how many wonderful messages he has received in his guestbook. Here is one from my wonderful friend Susan in Atlanta. Thanks Sue!

"THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2007 02:46 PM, CST"

"Hi Mean Gene! Tina has of course been keeping me posted all along, but I just got this link to your journal. I'm so proud of you! Your attitude has and still is the BEST thing about you and I'm so glad you're still so positive. I know better than anyone what you and especially Tina as your daughter are going through. My heart aches that I can' t be near my dad as he goes through his battle with multiple myeloma, and I know Tina's does too. BUT we both know how strong our daddies are and that you *WILL* get through this. It's not a question of 'if', it's a question of 'when'. I hope you realize, and all these messages should be a testament as to how many people love and support you. All our prayers will certainly lift you up. You're doing so well- and always remember, that even when things are the hardest and you think you are at your weakest, that is when we think you are the strongest. So just keep fighting your good fight. My dad is going through his second round treatments after coming out of a 4 year remission, and the best advice I can give you from our experience is this: As hard and long as things seem to be right now, your surgery and treatment will seem like a drop in the bucket when you look back in a few years. Take one day at a time. Please know that this hardship will pass and you'll find a way back to the good life :) The ups and downs seem endless I know, but you're getting through it and I'm so hopeful that you'll always have options to keep fighting, no matter what it takes. You have many loving little eyes, especially Zach :), who are watching you and learning what it means to be a survivor."

"And to you Marge, you deserve to know every day that you are so appreciated, respected and loved. As hard as Gene has it, I believe you may have it even harder. You display strength on a whole new level! It must be a daily test to keep it all together yourself while weathering your husband's own emotions, pain and fear. But if anyone can, it's you. Your spirit and ability to give is what defines you, and it's not failing you now. Please know that you have so many hands holding yours- ready to pick you up when you need us."

"Tina, Rich, Andres and Zach- this is what makes families stronger if you let it. You know I love you like family and all the Popes, Forrests and Calhouns are here for you!"

"Much love and prayers for continued Gene victories!!
Susan, Nick and George"