Monday, November 12, 2007

One Week Down!

Well, Pop's is hanging in there like a trouper! He is such a strong brave person for going through all of this. We celebrate every day he completes another radiation treatment! Here is the latest from his Caring Bridge website:

"Day 7 & 8 – November 8th & 9th – Thursday & Friday – Sunny all days – cool and 60 degrees."

"I realized on Thursday while driving to my appointment that I was TIRED of going in for treatments! Unfortunately I have no choice! This is the end of my first full week. Mouth is very dry and when Margaret and I had dinner Friday evening my pizza tasted “metallic”! Wonderful for someone who loves to eat. So with my taste buds failing it’s still necessary to eat and get as much protein as possible. I am looking forward to the weekend with no treatments. I want to thank all of you for your messages on Caring Bridge as well as all your phone calls and cards. Great hearing from all of you. So, done with 8 of 35 days. Slowly but surely seeing the end of the tunnel! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers."

Keep it up Pops! We love you!

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